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Fluidity Gymnastics offers 6 sessions (Fall 1, Fall 2, Winter, Spring 1, Spring 2 and Summer).  Each session is two months long and payments are per session, not monthly. With multiple sessions offered throughout the year, your child will be able to advance through the levels at their own pace. 




Fluidity offers 7 Levels of tumbling.  These levels are based on skills learned and not ages (although ages are taken into consideration).  


Privates and Semi-Privates are also available.



Payments are due by the first class of each session in order for your child to be able to participate.  Payments can be paid in person (cash or check) at Fluidity. Make checks payable to "Fluidity Gymnastics".  Please put your child's name and class at the bottom of the check. A $20.00 charge will be applied for any returned checks.  A REGISTRATION FEE of $20 is paid annually ($5 discount for additional siblings).

Enrollment for the up-coming session will open two weeks prior to the previous session ending.  If you would like to request a class before registration opens, please email


LEVEL 1 and 2 (45 minutes) - $85 per session

LEVELS 3-7 (1 hour) - $85 per session

PRIVATES - $25 (30 mins)

SEMI-PRIVATE - $15 each (30 mins)


-$5 Registration Fee discount for additional siblings

-$10 Session discount for additional siblings



Baggy clothes and jeans will weigh your child down and restrict his/her flexibility and range of motion.  For this reason,  form fitting clothes are the only acceptable attire.  Leotards (without an attached skirt) are best. Hair must be pulled back out of the face and all jewelry removed.  Adhering to these rules will only help your child to learn skills faster and easier.


Drilling class prices
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2017 Fluidity Gymnastics

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